Hello! Kamil

How to setup Code Climate Quality test coverage with Bitrise

· Kamil Powałowski
How to setup Code Climate Quality test coverage with Bitrise

Quality by Code Climate is a web service that gives you analytics for your code. It analyzes your code for code smells, and with proper CI/CD integration, it can track changes in test coverage data.

This article will list, step by step, how to set up Code Climate test coverage upload from Bitrise - probably most famous and widely used mobile Continues Integration and Continues Delivery service.

Initial assumption: Your GitHub repository is added to the Quality by Code Climate and the Bitrise.

  • Get Code Climate’s test reporters ID - visit Repo Settings on Code Climate and open Test coverage.

  • Add ID from the previous step as a Bitrise Secret with a name CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID (if you want to test Pull Requests active Expose for Pull Requests?)

  • Generate GitHub personal access token (only public_repo permission is needed)

  • Add token from the previous step as a Bitrise Secret with a name GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN (if you want to test Pull Requests active Expose for Pull Requests?) Bitrise secrets

  • Turn on gathering test coverage in your Xcode project. Edit Scheme... -> Test phase and select checkbox on Gather coverage for... in Code Coverage section. Xcode - gather coverage

  • In Bitrise, go to your Tests workflow, and before Xcode Test for iOS step, add a new Script phase with content visible below. It will download Code Climate test runner (cc-test-reporter) and updates Code Climate that test coverage is being prepared.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

curl -L https://codeclimate.com/downloads/test-reporter/test-reporter-latest-darwin-amd64 > ./cc-test-reporter
chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter
./cc-test-reporter before-build
  • Add a new step after Xcode Test for iOS and paste provided content. This script uses xcrun xccov to format Tests.xcresult file to JSON and uploads it using the previously downloaded cc-test-reporter script.
#!/usr/bin/env bash

xcrun xccov view --report $BITRISE_XCRESULT_PATH --json > coverage.json
./cc-test-reporter after-build --coverage-input-type xccov
Bitrise steps needed for test coverage setup
  • In Xcode Test for iOS step set Generate code coverage files? to no. Note: I’m not sure why, but I had a problem finishing that step with this set to yes.

That’s it. With that few simple steps, you can send test coverage data from Bitrise to Code Climate.

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