How to display a view frame size for debugging

In this SwiftUI tutorial, you will learn what a GeometryReader
is and how to use it to prepare a modifier that will display size and dashed frame around a view. It can be handy for debugging. The image above presents the effect of applying a frameSize

What is GeometryReader?
According to Apple documentation, GeometryReader
is a view in which content is represented as a function of its size and coordinate space. It doesn’t sound easy, but in reality, it just means that GeometryReader
is a container, and when we provide its content, we get its size. To be precise, not only size but struct called GeometryProxy, which contains size
, safeAreaInsets
and can calculate container bounds in given coordinate space.
GeometryReader { geometry in
This code will display the size of a view you put it in. By default, GeometryReader will take all available space in stacks.
This view can be useful when you need to layout your SwiftUI views based on the given bound but can’t use build layout solutions.
How do you draw a dashed border?
At first, you may think that the border
modifier will do the trick. But It turns out this only supports a color and line width. But fear no more. You can achieve the same effect by using an overlay
Text("Swift Wombat")
.strokeBorder(style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1, dash: [5]))
In the code above, the Rectangle
shape with strokeBorder
is created and applied to Text
view using the build-in overlay ViewModifier
. Experiment with StrokeStyle
parameters. Using a dash array, you can specify the length and distance between dashes.
How do you combine those two using ZStack?
Now, you should combine GeometryReader
and the dashed line together. To do this, you can use ZStack
. It allows displaying one view on top of another. Take a look at this code:
Text("Swift Wombat")
GeometryReader { geometry in
ZStack {
.strokeBorder(style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1, dash: [5]))
But using it in this form will not be fun. You can do better by abstracting that logic to a custom ViewModifier
Learn the basics about modifiers and create gradient overlay above any view.
Full, ready-to-use code of frameSize
modifier styled a bit with color, ZStack
alignment, and font size may look like the one below:
import SwiftUI
extension View {
func frameSize() -> some View {
private struct FrameSize: ViewModifier {
static let color: Color = .blue
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.overlay(GeometryReader(content: overlay(for:)))
func overlay(for geometry: GeometryProxy) -> some View {
alignment: Alignment(horizontal: .trailing, vertical: .top)
) {
style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1, dash: [5])